Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009

On Site - Der Zollverein Park

"On Site is the triennial yearbook of European landscape architecture. Produced for the Landscape Architecture Europe Foundation (LAE) and the European Foundation for Landscape Architecture (EFLA), it aims to be the standard, critical review of the state of the art of European landscape architecture.

The first book published in 2006, Fieldwork, explored the tendency in Europe for new urban forms built on former agricultural land to use the patterns and land forms of the former agricultural use. The title, On Site, refers to attitudes to place or locus. In Europe, it is the specific site and the landscape architect’s sensitivity to its intrinsic geographical and historical characteristics and processes that inspire new functions and forms. European landscape architecture is not about inflicting pre-determined patterns on nowhere sites. The European landscape is a small, diverse, densely built, and domesticated space that is rich in landscape architectural genius. This genius aims to deeply experience a site, to develop it and produce technically intelligent and sensually rich open spaces. Climate change, economic changes and an increased mobility in the extended urban agglomerations of today require new landscapes and urban open spaces.

On Site presents pioneering projects and strategies in landscape architecture from Berlin to Bordeaux, from Akkarvikodden in Norway to Évora in Portugal. The projects are supplemented by essays on subjects that arise from the projects, like Bordeaux’s urban policies, Portugal’s landscape pioneers, playscape and public space, hybridization of infrastructure and landscape. An independent jury of practicing landscape architects from various European countries has selected the projects, 48 from the 450 submitted, and the texts have been edited by a team of experienced European professionals."

Am 6. Juni wird On Site, nach 'Fieldwork' der zweite Band von Landscape Architecture Europe im Architekturforum Zürich der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass unser Projekt Zollverein Park darin vertreten ist. Schon jetzt können Sie das Buch z.B. >>>hier vorbestellen.

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